Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Yale Club of London have a clubhouse, and can I rent it for a party?

  • Regrettably, we do not have a clubhouse… but please do invite us to your party when you find a suitable venue!

Can you help me find a job / house / donor for my politcal cause / client for my business / get my kid into Yale?

  • The Yale Club of London is not an executive search firm, estate agent or travel agent. It is a social club, run by alumni volunteers for the benefit of their peers. We are strictly non-commercial and strictly non-politcal. Please refrain from asking us to do things we cannot do.

I am a member of a Yale College Singing Group which is travelling to the UK. Can you help us arrange gigs / source housing?

  • We might — with an emphasis on the ‘might’ — be able to assist. It really depends on who is volunteering to help with Singing Groups at the time and their interest, location and bandwidth. Please note: If you are a alum living in London who was a member of a singing group or has an affection for them and would like to help spearhead efforts to support singing groups when they come through town: do please get in touch. We are always looking for help with this.

Do you do events in Cambridge? Oxford? Other areas of the UK?

  • It really depends on the interest and bandwidth of our volunteers. As with Singing Groups (see above), we are always keen to hear from people who would like to set up an event outside London. These can take whatever form you like — for example, we have had good experience with football matches, informal evenings at a pubs and drop-ins at a wine bar in Oxford. If you would like to organise something, do please get in touch to discuss further. We can advise and support…. and sometimes put a bit of money behind the bar.

The alumni club at my other university is part of that university’s development office. If I sign up for membership, will Yale find me and start asking me for money?

  • The YCL is independent of the Yale Alumni Association and the Yale Development Office. Moreover, we are governed by UK data privacy laws, which are more stringent than those in the US, and therefore we cannot share your contact details without your express details.

I am actually interested in interviewing prospective students and was looking for the Alumni Schools Committee (ASC). How do I find them?

  • Go to the header at the top and click through on: Resources > Alumni Schools Committee, or

I have am having trouble and can’t find what I need, nor a link to help — what should I do?

  • Click here, and we will do our best to help you out — but please be patient: we are all volunteers and help with the YCL in the spare time around our paying employment…..

I have an idea for a great event / I don’t have any ideas (yet!), but I would be happy to help as needed — what should I do?

  • Click here — we are always happy to hear from enthusiastic alums.